Led by the renowned training director, Mike Strassle, the ALC is a comprehensive 3.5-day program specifically designed to offer intermediate-level training on lubricant properties, applications, and the proper selection and utilization of lubricants. To ensure a strong foundation for all attendees, completion of the Basic Lubrication Course is a prerequisite.
Make sure to save the dates! The ALC will be held at the prestigious Courtyard Dallas Las Colinas from July 18 to July 21, 2023.
Registration for this exceptional course is now open. To secure your spot in the ALC in Dallas, simply click here to register. For a complete overview of our in-person training calendar for 2023, we invite you to visit Lubestream.
Additionally, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming HDEO seminar in St. Louis, MO, scheduled for August. Prepare yourself to participate and secure your spot by registering today.